Wednesday, July 14th (Bastille Day): Structures

 Today, the topic was structures. The different research teams had to build dome structures big enough for them to sit inside and successfully completed this task, although it was not easy!

See these pictures to judge for yourself! 

One more way to use this structure: as a safe space 

During sports hour, Jillian praised the archery skills of her students. Here are some shots of that:

Here are some pictures from last week´s Mixed Martial Arts workshop that we hadn´t posted then:

Finally, Garci helped the young scientists design a really cool video game consisting of a vaccine needle killing Covid viruses! It´s a great way of contextualizing video game design. 

Alas, Rosi had to communicate with the scientists´ parents today given the fact that Villafranca will be confined (on lock-down) beginning today at midnight. We had to make some changes to our final party, but not the final performance: The show must go on!!!



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